Monday 22 October 2012


These are my multimedia images to date. I played around with some DNA images and this is what I produced.

Friday 19 October 2012

Etching prints DONE!

So I found my image. My eye :D I'm going to put different images of DNA strands inside my eye. I couldn't just stick to one image because I had too many to choose from, too many that I liked. So I decided to use my acetate and do some drypoints over my etchings. On Tuesday night I finished drawing on my plate. On Wednesday I printed it in multiple colours and just played around with it after doing my two black and white prints. After college I drew on my acetate on both sides so on Thursday I printed it. These are some of my prints but not all of them.

Thursday 11 October 2012


Last week we finished up lithography and this week we started etching with Noelle Noonan, another tutor I've never had before. We only have her on Wednesdays so we've to do a lot on our own. We had our etching workshop yesterday and it's another long process. We got two metal plates (zinc I think?) and a sheet of acetate the same size. We don't have as long with etching as we did lithography because what would have been our third week of it is our progress review. So we only have next week, well, only Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Yesterday after our workshop we got to polish our plates, de-grease them and put the ground wax on it and then put bitchomen (can't spell it) on it and then leave it to dry. Now all we have to do it draw onto it. Just to get an image :/

Saturday 6 October 2012

Sketchbook to date.

Now these photos are just of my sketchbook to date for lithography and more compositions.